
The Hubbub

AMPPS did not work out well for me on Linux Mint.

In order to alter the PHP configuration — php.ini — for a needy application, I had to stop the MongoDB server.

But it would not stop.

I suspect I would have had to uninstall a redundant installation of MongoDB — I did not know I had it on my system — before installing the AMPPS package.

Some other time.

Wix: Vix!

I promised a Sambodian psychoanalyst acquaintance of mine I would dar um jeito with his Web site.

What CMS says he is likely using Wix for his current site.

«Stunning». Everything is «stunning» with those Wix people.

«Your stunning blog».

Set all Web design phasers on «stun».

The thing is that Doctor Jungfraud writes and posts a lot of dated articles for newspapers and journals but he is not technically inclined. His Wix site basically works but is ugly as sin.

He says he wants to learn a bit more about managing his own content but finds those Big 5 CMS software packages hard to use. Something like Grav might be useful. You can date your content at will, for example.

And who does not? TikiWiki drives me crazy for example. But there are so many choices

Unfortunately, the sort of drag and drop layout manager and WYSIWYG text editor offered by an in many ways admirable project like Typesetter is not really going to be that much easier for Zé Psychology Major. As they say

Let’s face it: Writing content for the Web is tiresome. WYSIWYG editors help alleviate this task, but they generally result in horrible code, or worse yet, ugly web pages.

Typesetter is sort of the Quark Express of CMS. And Quark is the 1958 Chevy Impala of offline words into typography-on-paper machines.

So maybe Doctor Strangelove will just have to hire me — dirt cheap — to manage his conteúdo for him.

Dimanche Après-Midi

This Sunday afternoon I am focusing on Grav and Typesetter for purposes of my own eventual Web presence.

I am getting the hang of AsciiDoctor now, thank you very much.

All of this is probably a grand waste of what little time I have left on this earth, but between walking the dogs, picking up din-din at the Natureba da Terra, and catching up on Lost — a decade late, what am I, Robinson Crusoe? — I am not really doing much else.

I have Deleuze & Guattari to read — is their notion of «desiring machines» really the inspiration for The Matrix? — and Aluísio Azevedo.

But ai, que preguiça …​

The Cathar Cross: Dualism in Extremis
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