
Chove Chuva

You know what might be perfect for the projects I am planning?

Pelican with a theme called Chameleon which is translatable into various [Bootstrap]-based themes, like United — an homage to Ubuntu — or Cosmos. Cosmos I really like.

Pelican Bootstrap3 has the same flexibility.

But I do not understand how to reset the variables in these themes as instructed.

It appears you have to replace THEME = in pelicanconf.py with BOOTSTRAP_THEME = …​ Or do you?

No, I see now, you first refer to THEME = 'pelican-bootstrap3' and then add the other line below it.

And it works!

This may not seem like much of a technical triumph to you but I majored in poetry, as I often say. (I practically have a piled higher and deeper in advanced literary thinkology).

I am down to Hugo and Pelican and Jekyll for my site-builder of choice. Jekyll is kind of hard to use.

Nikola, maintained in the AUR repository, is also interesting — yaourt python-nikola-git

But it uses reStructuredText, of which am not at all fond. Start talking about recompiling and my eyes glaze over.

Are there other such tools in AUR? Jekyll for one is. Ruby Toolbox has a whole section on them.

The time comes when you have to choose and get on with things.

If you want to know the truth, I am probably going to use a simple CMS for these projects because the authors will want the satisfaction of learning to manage their conteúdo themselves.

(It is a learning exercise for patients of the Cancer Ward.)

But Mrs. Me is calling. Time for a late lunch of arroz, feijão e salada, and «Brasileirinho» playing on Radio USP.

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