
Waging War on Windows

I hate this machine, an antiquated Windows 7 box in the computer lab at the Cancer Ward. (I have AMPPS installed as a localhost server for testing CMS but it is pretty damn fubar.)

For one thing, the permissions will not let me install Python or Node.js, although they are fine with Ruby.

Tech support? There are rumors that it atually exists, but no sign of intelligent life yet.

So I cannot work in my down time here.

The Windows command line interface is also a pain in the ass.

No unzip command, and the edit command gives you an editor which does not follow your keymap — no freaking double quotes, which one needs for front matter and any number of things.

So it looks like I will be stuck working with Ruby sitegens during the week: Jekyll & Nanoc & Middleman & Awestruct …​ should be fun.

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