HubPress: A First Posting
Oh, I see.
The save icon does not appear unless you have a first-level heading as your title.
I am an aging poetry major who — having worked in technical writing and other fields over the course of a long & eclectic career — has developed an insatiable curiosity about all aspects of Web publishing — the many tools of this bitch goddess of a trade.
An Arch Linux man myself, I recently installed AMPPS on the crappy Windows XP box at my place of internment and am reveling in the opportunity to auto-install — count them — 401 flavors of what in post-modernity we cannot help calling content management.
Content is what comes in McDonalds apple pies. Humans produce communication. But oh well.
I have a separate Linux Mint box to which I think I will try installing the AMPPS package after I back up my http folder to the Cloud.
Eventually, what I want to do myself is figure out how to compile my DocuWiki book of hours and my Yellow CMS installation into static HTML that can also be pushed to GitHub.
One of these days I will figure it all out. In the meantime, many mercis beaucoups to Anthonny for this groovy innovation.