
Heckling Jekyll

Radio Daze

I followed Dean’s instructions to create a Beautiful Jekyll-themed site at Braytonio.github.io, cloning it into my project dir and editing it and its config file with Prose.io.

No joy.

I commit my changes after editing aboutme.md and filling out variables in config.yml but the page does not update with its new title, the «Irony Ant Bloc» (an anagram of my name).

I clone the repo to my machine to work on it here but now my jekyll installation makes fubar noises.

I mess with that for a while and then manage to start building with bundle exec jekyll build. But this yields

control characters are not allowed at line 1, column 1


Urgh! (A Music War)

I say again: Urgh!

(I actually attended that groundbreaking musical event.

I even had my picture on the cover of Surfer magazine as a member of the Dead Boys mosh pit.)

And then I get the e-mail notice of build failure.

Welcome Advice Is Advice That Works

But hooray! There is advice.

I can either check line by line or simple go back to the original _conf.yml and re-enter my settings more carefully. I think maybe resetting the baseurl to `"/" was the problem.

And perhaps the problem is not with the Jekyll installation after all.

And so off and so forth.

Neuzinha, Muse of the Digital Arts

Neuza is actually excited at the prospect of me building her a groovy Web site where she can publish all her fabulous writings.

She sometimes refers to herself as «computer widow» because I spend so much time hacking away at digital windmills, so it is nice to have the vote of confidence.

So I was surprised yesterday when she said she knew what Github was.

I guess I should not have been: she and Sergio Crusco have been working for a client in the Google Brasil family of fantastically advanced little ventures.

Em fim: I think I will try out Pelican for this modest domestic project. And now to walk the cadelas.

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