
Bretonio Groks Project Pages

ASCIIDoc just makes me angry and confused. I am sorry to say. This is partly why I intend to adapt one of my GitHub project pages for blogging my progress, if any, on my GitLab projects.

Bretônio Decamps

Yes, I guess I am abandoning Hubpress, so sorry. It taught me things, basic & valuable things. Really. It is just that I am having success pushing project pages now and those can fill the bill for online notetaking needs, along with those project wikis.

Big. Britches

Meantime I have set my wife up with a Web log that seems to please her.

Built it with Hexo. Uses a pretty standard Clean Blog theme, but then I am not exactly the Le Corbusier of Web sites.

Now we just need a background image of our own. Perhaps a stock photo of an old-time linotype machine. I would like to tweak the taxonomy so as to create repositories of writings in the different genres Neuza works in: fiction, crónicas …​

Oh, and lest I forget: We need to translate the bugiganga into Portuguese as well.

My Node.js Mess

still having difficulties with Node.js and the npm installer in Arch Linux.

In some cases installation works and the command is available to in /usr/bin/ or wherever.

In other cases, not so much. Much googling to little avail so far, though as I said I succeeded in installing, say, Assemble.

Smelling the Flores

Neuza tried to interest me in a walk in the park just now, with the three meninas. Served me a mamão and a banana tapioca. No more coffee after 2:00 p.m. she says. My baby worries about me and my endless damned infernal computer noodling.

She is right. I do not deserve her! But we have a standing idiot box date at six every day. Watch Netflix while The News cooks the jantar.

Currently nearly to the end of Lost if you can believe our cultural backwardness. We hear the ending really sucks.

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